Benefits of Membership

Benefits of Membership
We provide member schools with a voice and an enhanced reputation for quality.
Our members include private English language specialists, PTEs, ITPs and university centres with a reputation for excellence and many years’ experience operating in the English language sector.
Most students enrolling at private English language specialists chose an English New Zealand member school.
Why your school should be a member of English New Zealand
Providers benefit from being part of a collective that cares about the success of the English language sector in New Zealand.
Benefits of membership cover a range of areas such as quality, advocacy, marketing and membership services, including:
- Support and a voice — your views contribute to strong and effective representation with government agencies.
- An additional layer of quality assurance to promote.
- Consideration of your audit report as part of the NZQA EER process.
- Cross sector collaboration and pathway opportunities.
- Profiling on the English New Zealand website.
- Enquiries from students, education agencies, homestay providers and teachers.
- Marketing events and opportunities both onshore and offshore.
- Professional development and networking events.
- Industry statistics and market intelligence.
- Opportunities to participate in surveys and information sharing (e.g. academic salaries surveys).
- Regular communication and reporting on industry matters.
- Use of the English New Zealand logo and branding.
- Collegiality and collaboration with a select group of high-quality providers.
Membership Criteria
English language providers (PTE, ITP or university centres) wanting to be part of our pro-active, professional, and supportive organisation must meet our membership criteria.
To be eligible to apply for English New Zealand membership, providers must:
- Be engaged in the teaching of English as a second language in New Zealand or overseas for two years, and which in the case of an overseas school, has been a member of an offshore organisation that is equivalent to English New Zealand.
- Have all appropriate accreditation and approvals from the Ministry of Education and other relevant regulatory authorities.
- Meet the English New Zealand Standards on application. An inspection audit will then be arranged.
Contact for more detailed information.